Walking is a natural and inclusive means of transport
It’s a great way to stay healthy, to see the outdoors and to get around. The benefits of walking are numerous. You’ll improve your health, save money, meet new people, and it’s good for the environment too. Increasing the level of walking in West Yorkshire is a priority across local authorities and organisations.
There are local and national resources available to people who already enjoy or would like to enjoy walking, either for pleasure, health, as a form of transport, or all three. Below are some of these and some more information about how walking can improve your quality of life.
Why Walk?
Don’t just take our word for it….
Visit Bradford have some great information on walks in Bradford.
Visit Living Streets – The UK Charity for everyday walking, on a mission to create a ‘Walking Nation’ through activity, campaigning, projects and much more. Living Streets manage our go:walking project across West Yorkshire. It was due to these guys that the UK’s first Zebra Crossing was installed, 85 years ago!
The Ramblers website has some seriously convincing facts illustrating why walking can make a huge difference.
Take a look at the Walking for Health website, an initiative of the British Heart Foundation and the Countryside Agency which encourages people to get active and stay active for the abundance of health benefits this brings.
Additional Resources
Walkit.com – walking directions in and around Bradford, Leeds, Wakefield and York.
www.walkonomics.com – Rate how walkable the streets are where you live.